Crowdfunded Business Loans

  • Easy and instant funds
  • Compare multiple options
  • Exposure to a wide network
  • Flexible funding repayments
  • Simple and transparent process

Explore alternative fund sources with crowdfunded business loans

Besides traditional lending, some alternative sources of obtaining business loans exist in the market. Crowdfunded business loans are among them.

For many reasons, many business owners exploit crowdfunding as a promising alternative. Conventional lending has decided terms and conditions that may not suit every business condition. Whether it is the credit score criteria or the requirement of repayment capacity, qualifying in every aspect is sometimes difficult. Crowdfunding is considered a comparatively more flexible way to attain funds.

What is a crowdfunded business loan?

A crowdfunding business loan is a method to borrow funds from multiple lenders. These lenders are investors who invest funds in a business idea considering its profitability. However, a single investor may not want to fund your idea due to risk insecurity. As a result, multiple investors-cum-lenders fund you.

Don’t worry. You do not have to pay multiple instalments. You will get Crowdfunding finance for business through an integrated platform. It means that multiple lenders will not test your eligibility. Also, they will not deposit money individually in your bank account. A general lending criterion that relates to the lender who will lend you funds is applicable. If you qualify on those aspects, you will get funds. The instalments will be auto-deducted from your bank account like any other business loan.

Reaching this funding source through the right and reliable crowdfunding platform is essential. TheBusinessFunds is a business finance broker that helps commercial organisations attains funds. We are responsible for being the bridge between lenders and loan-seeking companies.

If you want an alternative source, share your loan query now and let us discuss your needs.

How does Crowdfunding finance for business work?

The crowdfunding loans for business are provided through integrated online platforms like TheBusinessFunds. Numerous lenders register their lending companies on these platforms with their rate and repayment policies. The qualifying criteria are mentioned as well.

When a business applies for a loan, its details and obtained information are matched with the relevant lenders. Once the match is complete, relevant quotes are sent to the business owner. After the consent of the company owner, the business finance broker starts the procedure. It does not take much time to attain funds.

We assist the borrowers from start to end. We will take care of the loan procedure on your behalf and bargain on rates and policies. You obtain only the best and the most rational deal.

What is the cost of crowdfunding finance?

The cost of crowdfunding depends on your financial circumstances. However, usually the interest rate is 4% to 6% or as the financial stability of a business. According to the general rules, a business should be operational for a minimum of 2 years. The rules for Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending are the same. It is because the investors cannot afford to invest their funds with uncertainty. A minimum requirement of business operations gives them a surety and feel of security.

In crowdfunding, the cost is not only about the repayments, as you read above. The investors get equity in your business or receive a reward. But you know what? We can find you the best option for the type of crowdfunding you want. It is why crowdfunded business loans are a dependable source of attaining short-term funding.

Always remember that crowdfunding in the UK is not only about attaining funds. In fact, it is more about acting responsibly toward your business goal. Investor’s money is directly related to your business's profit and loss. To be more rational, the funders connect to your business with great expectations. The more you work on your business performance, the higher the chances of attracting more investors in the future.

What are the uses of crowdfunded business loans?

Crowdfunding is a versatile business loan model that funds all types of business models and ideas. The Crowdfunding business loans in the UK have multiple uses. Read the points below and you will sense the diversity of the crowdfunded business loans.

  • Crowdfunding has varied types

    According to your business priorities, you can borrow funds through various types of crowdfunding. These are debt-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding and equity-based crowdfunding. Every type denotes the different requirements of a business owner. Therefore, you have a friendly choice.

  • Generate working capital

    Crowdfunding serves both short-term as well as long-term purposes. It can be used as working capital loans for a short time and machine loans for a long-term purpose. Most important is that the investors should find your business convincing.

  • Fund a new business idea

    It is considered the most dependable way to fund start-up businesses with a great idea. Usually, traditional lenders have comparatively more formalities when it comes to start-up funding. But in this type, if your idea clicks with the investors, they may even fund you a big amount at a lower rate.

How a crowdfunded business loan can be advantageous?

Certainly, crowdfunding has multiple advantages; this is why it stands among the significant crowdfunding options. The following points will enlighten you more on the advantages of this funding option.

  • Get public reaction as well as money - Crowdfunding is a great way to attain funds for a business idea. At the same time, it is also a good way to get valuable feedback on the profitability possibilities of your business. The investors/lenders share their insights about your business idea and suggest precious suggestions. You can make necessary changes to make your business more valuable to the market.

  • Get free promotion - As crowdfunding facilitates investment in businesses, the investors can track the business progress. If they find a business profitable, they discuss it in their network. As a result, a commercial organisation gets a free promotion. A business can get more investors, meaning more money to run. If you think your idea has exclusivity. You should try crowdfunding through TheBusinessFunds. Apply now and let us discuss your future plans.

  • Investors cum lenders become customers - of course, it happens many times. Money lenders or investors sometimes find a business idea of a product so appealing that they start consuming it. Therefore, they become your customers. If they stay for a long time, naturally, they become your loyal customers. It is beyond imagination in the case of conventional lending. However, everything has its benefits, but crowdfunding is a worthy choice despite traditional loan options.

How to get the best crowdfunding loans for business?

Through comparison, yes, that is the only way to get the best-crowdfunded loans. But where can you make this comparison? Of course, on a comparison site like ours. As a responsible unsecured business loan broker, we have a wide panel of crowdfunders in the UK who always seek great ideas and businesses to invest money in. You can always contact us to connect to oceanic crowdfunding opportunities.

We first understand your business idea and then find the relevant investors. According to your financial circumstances, our experts find the investors offering friendly interest rates. We shortlist the best ones and send you to compare and choose the one you want. Once you select the most promising ones, we approach them with your business idea. Due to this organised procedure, most borrowers get approved for the funds.

You must ensure that your financial statements and business documents are available before applying for a crowdfunded loan. Crowdfunding can offer numerous funding opportunities. It is essential to have a great idea to present to the investors. The rest is on us. We bargain to provide you with the best rates and repayment policies.


Tips to find the best crowdfunding loans for business

  • Use dependable crowdfunding site.
  • Create a convincing strategy to present to the funders.
  • Apply for an amount you can pay off.You will get lower rates.
  • Compare crowdfunders considering long term impact

Crowdfunding Vs Peer-to-peer lending Vs Business loans

We always notice that borrowers are confused about the difference between crowdfunding, peer-to-peer business loans and traditional business loans. Firstly, you should know that all three of these are different. Now, read below to know the other reasons for the differences in these three types of funding.

Crowdfunding loans

A group of investors invest in a business and receive repayments, rewards, or equity in the business in return.

Peer-to-peer loans

Also known as P2P loans, these are loans with repayments. These do not include equity or reward. Many investors fund a business, as it is a sub-category of crowdfunding.

Business loans

When traditional lenders provide unsecured and secured loans for business purposes, these are called business loans. There is only one lender, unlike crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending.

After reading the differences above, you can better decide which option suits your business. TheBusinessFunds offers all these three options, as we specialise in all types of business funding in the UK. Use our business loan calculator today and learn about your crowdfunding or P2P lending repayments. However, we have great options for equity-based and reward-based crowdfunding. The market has numerous options, and you may get lost in the choices. Let us do it for you and find the best lenders.

What are the types of crowdfunded business loans?

According to the priorities of the investors and the capability of the borrowers, crowdfunding has different types. Read them below and choose which one you want to apply for. However, our experts suggest this aspect to you if you wish.

Equity crowdfunding - In this type of crowdfunded business loan, the investors get a share in the company. It means they will have a certain percentage of shares in whatever an organisation earns.

Debt crowdfunding - It is like the traditional business loan type due to the repayment method. The borrower pays a fixed instalment with interest. You can say that this type of crowdfunding is quite popular among UK business holders.

Rewards crowdfunding - This type offers a reward to the investors in the exchange of investments. They may get a discount on the products or services of the borrower business. It usually happens in donation-based funding.

At TheBusinessFunds, you can find all varieties of crowdfunding loans for business in the UK. Your only job is to visit our contact page and explain your requirements. After that, you can sit back and relax. Our team will start working on your funding needs. We keep giving you feedback on the latest status because finding the right lending option does not take much time. We follow transparency in procedures due to customer-centric policies.


Why should I choose TheBusinessFunds for crowdfunded business loans?

We should give you some very honest reasons to choose us, and then you can decide at your discretion. We are not new in the business finance industry and have all types of business loan options. Whether it is crowdfunding loans, peer-to-peer lending, or long-term business loans, you can reach to us for any requirement. Our vast team of experts knows the nook and cranny of the business finance industry. You should exploit our experience and services for your business future. If you are in desperate need of funds, we have got your back.

Why should I consider crowdfunding loans for business?

Crowdfunding is an alternative option for business loans. Traditional lenders are less flexible in their terms and policies. Sometimes, it becomes difficult for the business owners to convince a conventional lender. Consequently, they look for alternative options. Crowdfunding is quite flexible if you attain funds through donation or reward-based crowdfunding. You also get free publicity from a vast network of investors. Many lenders can turn into your potential customers.

Is crowdfunding better than peer-to-peer lending?

Both options have their own importance. Firstly, peer-to-peer lending is not a different type but a sub-category of crowdfunding. The latter is an excellent option for businesses that cannot afford to make repayments. They can apply for reward-based / donation-based funding, a type of crowdfunding. P2P lending, too, has its importance. Here, you have to make repayments, but promotion to a wider network is assured. Both types are functional and can be used as growth capital loans. The best option is to compare and decide which is suitable for your business.

How can I apply for crowdfunding business loans?

To apply for crowdfunding, you need first to compare the options. TheBusinessFunds is a business finance broker. You can contact us to find the best deals. We will start the procedure once the comparison is over and you choose one option. However, only essential documents are required. Bank statements, business registration documents, and proof of business operations from a minimum of the last two years are required. For any further information, you can call us right now. We are always ready to assist you instantly.

What is the approval rate for crowdfunding loans?

You should feel happy that the approval rate of crowdfunding is 90% to 96%. The approval rate is high because we always first compare the best options for you. Only the lenders closer to your funding requirements are suggested. Once you choose, we start the loan process, which takes a maximum of one week. The procedures are always online, which takes a short time. We know you have many questions, so why not ask us now? Call now at 0208-123-7489 and get to know the best options.