
128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX



128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX


Isn’t it easy to understand? You have a business, and you may need another commercial property. Maybe you want to make an office. Or you have other plans cooking in your head.

Whatever you do, you know very well that commercial property is a piece of asset that’s got some good value. You might later use it as a commercial asset for other kinds of business purposes.

If you are reading this blog, chances are you want to grab some good advice on owning a commercial property or other related projects. Also, add that you want a loan to make this deal. You may have a million thoughts about how to get a loan to purchase a commercial property. We can answer them by offering you a simple step-by-step guide, which you might love. Read on to find it out and learn a little about commercial property financing along the way. 

What Is Commercial Property Financing in Its Simplest Meaning?

Commercial property can be any real estate that’s connected to your business. For example, an office building; a restaurant; factory; retail stores; hotels and many more fall under commercial real estate.

We need to know precisely how a commercial property loan works. If you get in touch with reputed property finance companies (which you should), you will be given perfect assistance and an explanation of this financing option. In a generalised sense, this option is but a loan which offers you money concerning the value of the property. You can take out the whole amount and then pay it back to your lender in set and comfortable instalments.

Are commercial property finance options secured? Mostly yes. Whenever you want to finance commercial real estate by taking out a loan, you put that same real estate as collateral to get the loan. You will be given an amount equal to the current property value of the commercial building.

There are exceptions, though. That is why you need to find out commercial property finance companies in the UK. We are one of them. Tell us your problems or share your doubts with us, and we will immediately help you. 

Facts that You Need to Know about Commercial Property Finance 

Of course, this kind of loan is meant for various purposes. However, most loans related to buying a property are found to be the ones meant for domestic property. For the commercial ones, you may need to learn these points mentioned below:

. We do have mortgage offers for commercial properties. They are called commercial mortgages. You must know that commercial mortgages usually do not have a fixed rate. But we can give you good news about this: The said rate is tax-deductible. 

. One may take this loan out not only to own a commercial property but to renovate/ repair/ maintain an existing commercial property. In this case, your existing commercial property will be taken as collateral.

. You may get an unsecured loan for this purpose too. Yes, you have read that right. You can sign up for guarantor business loans where you must bring a guarantor to co-sign the loan. In this way, you may avoid collateral if that is what you want. 

With that being said, we have probably understood that finding these loans is fairly easy. Besides, we are here to lend you that helping hand apart from lending you money.

How to Take out a Loan for Your Commercial Property?

It is quite an easy process to apply for a loan of this kind. Be sure that your paperwork is of utmost importance here. So, when there is time, arrange all the details of your commercial property; your business income and financial information to get started quickly. 

. Submit the Asset details. This is how most lenders prefer getting your commercial property details. You can send these details online to your finance company. 

. Apply using a Paperless Form. You do not have to fill in many details over here. However, be careful while doing so. Also, be specific with the loan amount and type you are entering.  

. Share Your Business Revenue and Other Financial Details. This includes your business revenue; your sales statements; profit and loss statement; and other details related to what you earn. It will help the lenders to find out your loan affordability. They would also check your loan-to-value ratio or LTV ratio. 

. Check the Approval. In most cases, you are likely to get approved. However, your lenders are going to send you the details of the loans that you are approved. You have to understand and take note of the terms and conditions to ensure whether or not you can repay the loan following the instructional guidelines.

. Borrow the Money. Now, when you are done with all the checks and analysis, it is time for you to take the loan out. Give your consent to the terms and conditions and the disbursal. The loan will reach you soon.

You need not be too stressed with these loans. However, even if you feel so, contacting one of the right professionals may help you out.

To Conclude

We are one of the reputed commercial finance companies in the UK. But that is not why you have come to the end of this blog. We can feel that you need a trustworthy business partner to help you with your commercial property financing. We can be of service when you tell us your needs and share with us when you would like to get the funding. It is our job to help you with this so that you will meet your end results with ease. Talk to us anytime if the need arises.

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